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Mittwoch, 14.11.2018 / 10:57 Uhr

Neuer Lehrerstreik im Iran

Teachers in Iran have gone on strike for the second time in as many months, protesting low wages. 

With the fall of the Iranian currency, the rial, and rising inflation, teachers cannot make ends meet. 

“The recent financial crisis has impacted teachers in a way such that their income barely feeds them for 15 days. After that, they have to request loans from relatives and shopkeepers,” said one teacher in a phone call with Rudaw.

Donnerstag, 08.11.2018 / 09:13 Uhr

Jemen: 14 Millionen Menschen droht Hunger

Thirty-five Yemeni and international NGOs called Wednesday for an "immediate cessation of hostilities" in Yemen, where they warned 14 million people were now "on the brink of famine".

The joint appeal was signed by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Action Against Hunger, CARE International, Oxfam, Doctors of the World, and Yemeni organisations, according to a statement.

Dienstag, 16.10.2018 / 13:37 Uhr

Jemen: Schlimmste Hungersnot seit 100 Jahren droht

Yemen could face the “worst famine in the world in 100 years” if fighting continues, the United Nations has warned, as The Independent learned an official declaration of famine would likely be announced in just a few weeks.

Lise Grande, the UN’s coordinator for Yemen, said that as many as 13 million civilians could die from starvation if a Saudi Arabia-led coalition does not halt its bombardment of the impoverished country.