Dienstag, 29.10.2019 / 11:43 Uhr

Griechenland schiebt ab

Thomas von der Osten-Sacken

Ein beeindruckendes Dokument über den Zustand europäischer Flüchtlingspolitik legte diese Woche ausgerechnet das türkische Außenministerium vor. In einem Schreiben kritisierte es die griechische Regierung für ihre gewaltsame Rückführungspolitik.

Laut türkischen Informationen habe das Nachbarland im Jahre 2019 über 25.000 Flüchtlinge in die Türkei zurück geschoben.

Dies sei größtenteils illegal geschehen und nicht Teil des Flüchtlingsdeals. So ruft nun ausgerechnet die Türkei Griechenland auf, diese Art der Rückschiebungen zu stoppen:

A total of 25,404 irregular migrants were pushed back to Turkey by Greece in the first ten months of 2019, up from 11,867 migrants in 2018, Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Oct. 27.

"They were subjected to unacceptable treatment and beaten and then pushed back to our borders under the company of the Greek officials."

“It has been identified from the testimonials of pushed back migrants that, after detained by Greek officials, their personal belongings were confiscated without any official procedure, they were subjected to unacceptable treatment and beaten and then pushed back to our borders under the company of the Greek officials,” said the statement.

Turkey also invited Greece to stop forcing irregular migrants in Greece back across the Turkish border. “Despite Greece’s denial of the fact that irregular migrants are being pushed back to Turkey by Greek authorities, incidents of push backs of irregular migrants by Greek officials from Greece to Turkey continue both at land and sea,” the statement said.