Montag, 16.11.2020 / 18:46 Uhr

Corona: Hamas verliert die Kontrolle

Auch im Gazastreifen gerät die Coronapandemie zusehends außer Kotrolle. Mit, wie Ynet warnt, den entsprechenden Folgen:

Hamas appears to have lost control of the outbreak. As of Thursday, there were 3,052 active COVID-19 cases in Gaza, with 250 to 300 additional patients added daily - although many experts believe the numbers are far greater.

With 50% unemployment, primarily among young Gazans and the educated population, the rulers are facing hunger riots that according to the Egyptian media are being met with mass arrests.

Crime, drug abuse and even divorce and suicide cases have broken all earlier records in Gaza and that should be a real cause for concern in Israel, because those could be the motivators of the next outbreak of violence.