Samstag, 30.01.2021 / 21:58 Uhr

Khamanei verbietet Einfuhr britischer und amerikanischer Impfstoffe

In einem Beitrag für Middle East Eye analysiert Shahir Shahidsaless die Entscheidung des obersten Revolutionsführers des Iran, Corona-Impstoffe aus den USA und Englands zu verbieten als ein weiteres Beispiel, dass in der Islamischen Republik der herrschenden Ideologie bzw. der Ideologie der Herrschenden sich alles unterzuordnen hat:

Khamenei, as the leader of the state and in the role of Vali-ye faqih (guardian jurist), has issued a fatwa that makes all three branches of government irrelevant and obliges them to implement his views, noting: “According to the Shia religion, all Muslims have to obey the order of the Guardian Jurist and submit to his commands. This edict even applies to other grand ayatollahs … If there is a contradiction between the authority of and decisions made by the Guardian Jurist and the whole people, the jurist’s authority and decisions have priority.”

In his latest intervention in an area that could put the lives of millions of Iranians at risk, Khamenei said on 8 January: “Imports of US and British vaccines into the country are forbidden. I have told this to officials and I’m saying it publicly now.” 

In a statement that displayed ignorance of the situation, he noted: “If they can create a vaccine, if their Pfizer factory can manufacture a vaccine, then why do they want to give it to us? They should consume it themselves so they wouldn’t have so many deaths.” Looking at the issue through his ideological worldview, he said: “Our people will not be a testing device for vaccine-manufacturing companies.” 

Iranians responded with a storm of anger on social media. In clear opposition to Khamenei’s remarks, Iran’s Medical Council sent munity in Iran… [we ask you to] stay away from political issues…and meet the obvious rights of the people.”
a letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani saying: “As representatives of the medical com