Dienstag, 13.04.2021 / 21:57 Uhr

Kanada stoppt Rüstungsexporte in die Türkei

Canada on Monday blocked military arms exports to NATO ally Turkey after a probe found Canadian drone technology had been misdirected for use in conflicts.

Shipments had been suspended last October pending an investigation into allegations that Canadian imaging and targeting systems on unmanned drones were used by Azerbaijan in clashes with Armenia.

"Following this review, which found credible evidence that Canadian technology exported to Turkey was used in Nagorno-Karabakh, today I am announcing the cancellation of permits that were suspended in the fall of 2020," Foreign Minister Marc Garneau said in a statement.

"This use was not consistent with Canadian foreign policy, nor end-use assurances given by Turkey," he said.

The export ban affects 29 permits, and applies to a wide variety of military goods and technologies including components for the production of aircraft, software and technical data for flight simulators, satellite equipment and firearm components
. (Quelle)