Donnerstag, 12.08.2021 / 22:32 Uhr

Is a popular opposition back in Gaza?

Proteste in Gaza gegen die Hamas 2017, Bildquelle: Youtube

Usually few people talk about the oppression of Hamas openly on social media because they are otherwise doomed to be imprisoned, tortured or out on trial!

In the last years that the Palestinians lived through, there were attempts by the popular awakening movement to reject this way of ruling, which was expressed by thousands of demonstrators in the squares of Gaza carrying banners calling for their stolen rights and raising the slogan "We want to live." " They also witnessed severe repression by the Hamas security services, from breaking the protesters' bones and firing live bullets at their chests!

First, Hamas strikes its own people, and then they blame Israel, demand a new war to preserve their power, which Israel does not want to remove! But it is clear that these plans have no popular backing, it is based on oppression and from time to time, voices get out, who denounce and accuse Hamas and it’s so called resistance for being responsible for the tragic reality experienced by the people of Gaza.

The question is: Can the opponents of Hamas from within Gaza, who rose up recently wake up the silent majority and take them to the streets once again in the face of Hamas' security services and its weapons? I ask this, because Hamas is known for using all force againt demonstrations! But if the answer is yes, then Hamas opponents will be able to wrest the head of it’s rule and end an era described as the most miserable for the Palestinians inside Gaza!


International observers considered that life in Gaza exceeded the extreme poverty of the population, and the Independent Commission for Human Rights published a statement denouncing the attempts of the security services in Gaza to continue its behavior against its opponents, and demanded them to stop it. The dreams of Gazans are usually nightmares. So will they manage that also Hamas will have nightmares?

On the other side of the country there are questions too: How can a movement like Fatah that once claimed to be democratic and was lead by Yassir Arafat accept the form of its ruling political system, when it is represented by President Abbas? Is this Fatah, the owner of the national project and the state of institutions that Arafat and his predecessors dreamed of? How can the Fatah movement and their followers be satisfied with preserving the form of the existing system there, which does not meet the hopes of the Palestinian people there, but is just drawn in rampant corruption, dirty deals with Corona drugs and killings of opponents like Nizar Banat?