Sonntag, 01.12.2019 / 11:37 Uhr

Iranischer Religionsexperte fordert Folter von Demonstranten

Thomas von der Osten-Sacken


(Religions- und Folterexperte Abolfazl Bahrampur, Quelle Iran-HRM)


Auch anderswo wird gefoltert, gequält und getötet, aber man versucht es in der Regel eher geheim zu halten. Nicht so in der Islamischen Republik, in der so genannte Religionsexperten sich ganz im Gegenteil stolz und öffentlich auf den Koran berufen, wenn sie fordern, dass Demonstranten gegen das Regime möglichst brutal gequält und hingerichtet gehören.

Aber vielleicht hilft ja ein wenig Dialog, wie von der deutschen Bundesregierung empfohlen? Vielleicht ließe der Mann sich ja, träte man ihm nur zuvorkommend und auf gleicher Augenhöhe entgegen, zu Zugeständnissen bewegen und verzichtete beispielsweise auf die Forderung nach schariakonformem Händeabhacken?

A guest speaker in a program aired by Iran's state-run television on Tuesday has said that those who were arrested in the recent anti-government protests must be punished by cutting their hands and feet in public and being exiled to give a lesson to others.

Abolfazl Bahrampour who was introduced as a "religious expert" made his notorious remarks on "Eastern Sun", a daily program on Channel One of the state-run television (IRIB), which according to itswebsite is dedicated to "elucidation of Islam and its application in social life".

Bahrampour recommended hanging the protesters or maiming them by "cutting them into pieces, right hand together with the left leg" and then releasing them into the society and declared that those who had participated in the protests should be "exiled to a broken ship in the middle of the sea and live there until they die".

Bahrampour claimed that the punishments he recommended were based on Quranic verses so nobody could "find fault with him" for his statements and said "killing" those who take up arms against Islam as mentioned in verse 33 of Ma'idah chapter of the Quran should be interpreted as "torturing them to death".