Samstag, 06.03.2021 / 12:58 Uhr

Revolutionsgarden warnen vor neuen Protesten

Seit einigen Wochen finden trotz der enormen Repressionen erneut Proteste in verschiedenen iranischen Städten statt. Die allgemeine Lage im Land verschlechtert sich weiter, besonders die junge Generation hat einfach die Nase voll. Erst jüngst zeigte eine Umfrage, dass die Merheit der Bevölkerung des Landes sich selbst inzwischen sogar als säkular bezeichnet.

Nun warnen sogar die Revolutionsgarden vor einer neuen Protestwelle:

Iran has been arresting thousands of activists in the past few months, apparently to restrain any gatherings or movements that officials believe could lead to a general uprising.

Both Iranian Revolutionary Guards and research centers affiliated to the military organization warned that the nationwide protests of January 2018 and November 2019 were turning points in the history of street protests in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to Iranwire, there is fear of a repetition of these events among Iranian authorities that has led the Islamic Republic to use all the political, economic, military and security tools at its disposal to prevent a recurrence.

Several think-tank and study centers provided analysis of the current situation to the Revolutionary Guards in order to prevent demonstrations in the future.

Iranwire reported one of the most recent studies called “Active Preventive Strategies for the Political-Security Crisis”, which was published in the latest issue of the quarterly Defense Policy journal of Imam Hossein University. The journal is affiliated to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.