Samstag, 20.07.2024 / 14:51 Uhr

Moskau droht, Houthis zu bewaffnen

Während die Houthis im Roten Meer weiter Schiffe angreifen und mit Dronen Israel bedrohen, kündigt Moskau an, über eine Bewaffnung der Miliz nachzudenken:

United States intelligence agencies say Russia could send advanced anti-ship missiles to Yemen’s Houthis in retaliation for Washington’s support for Ukraine, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing US officials.

According to the newspaper, Washington is working behind the scenes to stop the arms transfer.

Meanwhile, US Central Command chief Erik Kurilla was said to warn that US-led operations were “failing” to prevent Houthi attacks on the Red Sea. In a classified letter to US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Kurilla reportedly called for potentially stronger military action and a “whole of government” approach that would step up diplomatic and economic pressure on the Houthis. (...)

Two US officials told The Journal that Russia has not transferred any missiles to the Houthis, but that representatives of the Yemeni rebels were seen in Moscow. The newspaper cited officials as saying that an arms transfer from Russia to Yemen could make use of Iranian smuggling routes.

Iran currently supplies much of the Houthis’ munitions. A Houthi-launched drone that struck Tel Aviv on Friday — killing one person and injuring several others — was Iranian-made, the Israel Defense Force said.

One analyst told The Journal that munitions supplied by Russia “would represent a qualitative leap” in the Houthis’ capabilities.