Samstag, 16.03.2019 / 22:45 Uhr

Demonstrationen gegen Hamas; Dritter Tag

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip took to the streets on Saturday for the third successive day. (...)

In response to a video of Hamas forces suppressing demonstrations, a close confidant of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas tweeted his outrage.

“This is not the Israeli occupation forces!!”Fatah Central Committee member Hussein al-Sheikh said. “It is the Hamas gangs that are terrorizing and suppressing the hungry in the Gaza Strip.” (...)

The center of Friday’s demonstrations was in Deir el-Balah, where Hebrew media reports said protesters burned tires and blocked one of the central Gaza city’s main roads. Similar protests also took place in Khan Younis in the south of the Strip. In video from the demonstrations, protesters could be seen throwing rocks as the sound of apparent gunfire is heard in the background.

Quoting the demonstrators, Ynet said they were beaten by security forces loyal to Hamas. There were no immediate reports on the number of injured.
