Donnerstag, 21.03.2019 / 16:55 Uhr

Lehren für Algerien

Welche Lehren sollten die Algerier aus dem arabischen Frühling und vor allem aus der erfolgreichen Transformation im Nachbarland Tunesien ziehen, fragt sich Marina Ottaway. Und kommt zu folgendem Schluss:

Protesters are wrong in demanding a quick transition, which would also play into the hands of those who control power already. The lesson of the 2011 Arab uprisings is that slow transitions are more likely to succeed and that early elections risk simply re-consolidating the status quo.

The outcome of the uprising in Algeria will be determined not by how soon elections are held, but by how successful the regime’s opponents are in moving from protest in the streets to becoming major participants in the transition.

The lesson of the 2011 Arab uprisings is that slow transitions are more likely to succeed and that early elections risk simply re-consolidating the status quo

That will only happen if protesters remain in the streets to put pressure on the regime, while also organising to become effective political players.

Tunisia offers an example of a slow transition with broad-based participation that led to real change. By contrast, Egypt embarked on a much faster process with narrow participation, and the military, already the mainstay of the Mubarak regime, became even more entrenched.