Dienstag, 19.03.2019 / 22:16 Uhr

Nazis bei der Hizbollah

Sie mögen ja gegen die "Islamisierung Europas" kämpfen, aber damit meinen sie, wenn dann bestenfalls die sunnitische Abteilung der Islamisten. Mit Teheran und seinen Satelitten können sie, alleine schon weil es gegen einen gemeinsamen Feind geht. Und so besuchte jüngst eine ganz besondere europäische Delegation den dieser Tage eher etwas angeschlagenen Chef der libanesischen Gottespartei und machte ihm ihre Aufwartung:

A delegation from the Alliance for Freedom and Peace (APF), a far-right European political party. The APF delegation included MPs, MEPs, activists, and politicians from countries including Britain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, and Croatia, and was received by Hizbullah's foreign affairs chief Ammar Al-Moussawi. Members of the delegation, among them APF President and former Italian MP and MEP Roberto Fiore, German MEP and NDP MP Udo Voigt, and Belgian political activist Hervé Van Laetham, expressed support for Hizbullah and its fight against Israel, terrorism, and imperialism. The delegation also visited the memorial garden in Dahieh, Beirut and placed a wreath on the graves of Hizbullah "martyrs."

Anchor: "A European parliamentary political delegation visited Hizbullah's foreign affairs chief and emphasized the role the resistance plays against terrorism and the occupation."

Reporter: "In a gesture of support of Hizbullah and its options, a delegation from Europe's Alliance for Peace and Freedom visited Beirut. Hizbullah's foreign affairs chief, Ammar Al-Moussawi, received the delegation, which included MPs, personalities, and political activists from European countries such as Britain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, and Croatia. They expressed their support for Hizbullah's important national role in the fight against terrorists and its stand against the Israeli aggression. They also expressed their solidarity with the resistance against political and media campaigns being waged against Hizbullah by forces connected to the American-Zionist project."

Roberto Fiore: "It has been an honor to meet today the representative of Hizbullah, Mr. Ammar Al-Moussawi. We expressed the European support for Hizbullah and the Lebanese government in their efforts towards peace and in the conflict with Israel. Everyone must know that there are millions of Europeans who completely share your aspirations for peace and are your partners in your struggle with the Zionist trends."

Udo Voigt: "We see that you are opposing the American approach, which strives to destroy societies in Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq, as well as in Syria. America's actions have caused millions to become refugees in Europe, in order to destroy our societies, as well, and I hope that we will remain united against this American model."

Herve Van Laethem: "I would like to express to the Lebanese people the support of the European politicians, who know how much Lebanon needs stability and support. The Lebanese Army and Hizbullah must receive support in order to face all the enemies – whether terrorists or countries that are constantly hostile to them. We are resisting imperialism, and we have come to Lebanon to emphasize that many Europeans stand alongside Lebanon and Hizbullah."