Mittwoch, 27.03.2019 / 11:19 Uhr

Syrische Kurden fordern internationales Tribunal gegen den IS

In a statement, the Kurdish administration called for "a special international tribunal in north-east Syria to prosecute terrorists" to ensure that trials are "conducted fairly and in accordance with international law and human rights covenants and charters".

Speaking to the BBC, the administration's head of foreign affairs, Abdul Karim Omar, said the fact so few nations had repatriated their citizens who joined IS has added to their problems.

Many Western governments have refused to repatriate their citizens amid concerns over the potential security risks they may pose, as well as the challenges of gathering evidence to support prosecutions. (...)

According to one Kurdish official speaking to AFP news agency, more than 9,000 foreign relatives of IS members - many of them children - are being held at the Kurdish-run al-Hol camp. The accommodation was built for about 20,000 people but is now housing more than 70,000.
