Freitag, 19.04.2019 / 10:15 Uhr

Kein Benzin mehr in Syrien

Über den Winter mangelte es in Aleppo und Syrien an Gas, Bewohner klagten, sie müssten oft stundenlang für eine rationierte Gasflasche anstehen.

Jetzt fehlt es an Benzin. Offenbar scheint der Iran nicht mehr in der Lage zu sein, das Assad Regime mit ausreichend Geldern zu versorgen, eine Folge auch der neuen US-Sanktionen. Die Folgen sind fatal:

Transport in Assad regime areas of Syria has ground to a halt because of petrol shortages, following the cut-off of Iran’s essential line of credit.

Reliable sources in Damascus have confirmed to EA that videos of miles of vehicles parked and waiting are genuine. Public transport, which is run by private companies, as well as individual motorists is affected.

One academic in the Syrian capital said he had not been at work this week, unable to travel more than 5 km to Damascus University.

After eight years of conflict, reducing Syria’s GDP by 75%, the crisis has been spurred by the halt of Iran’s supply.

Tehran has propped up the regime since 2012 with billions of dollars in lines of credit. However, facing its own economic problems and comprehensive US sanctions, the Islamic Republic stopped the support on October 15.