Dienstag, 23.04.2019 / 09:22 Uhr

Krach in der AKP

Nach der Wahlniederlage scheint es in der AKP zu rumoren. So veröffentlichte jetzt der ehemalige Premier  Ahmet Davutoglu ein Papier, in dem er den Kurs der Partei öffentlich kritisierte:

A former prime minister and close ally of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan strongly criticised the president's ruling party on Monday for its poor performance in local elections last month.

Ahmet Davutoglu, a high profile figure in Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP), blamed policy changes and an alliance with nationalists for the parties' major losses.

"The election results show that alliance politics have caused harm to our party, both in terms of voter levels and the party's identity," Davutoglu said in a 15-page statement.

The statement may signal a deep divide within the AKP.