Sonntag, 21.04.2019 / 17:31 Uhr

Syrien: Neue Spannungen zwischen Russland und dem Iran

Angeblich soll es erneut zu schwere Zusammenstößen zwischen von Russland unterstützen Milizen und anderen pro-iranischen gekommen sein. Es wäre nicht das erste Mal und deutet auf weitere, sich verschärfende Spannungen zwischen den beiden Hauptalliierten des Assad-Regimes hin:

On Friday morning, bloody clashes broke out between the Russian-linked militias and their Iranian-linked counterparts in the provinces of Deir al-Zour and Aleppo.

The clashes broke out in Aleppo after Russian militias demanded the evacuation of Aleppo International Airport, controlled by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard-led militia, without knowing the casualties as a result, according to "Anadolu".

The agency reported clashes between the two sides in the eastern suburb of Deir al-Zour, after the Revolutionary Guard stopped a convoy of Russian military police in the city of "al-Mayadeen", which led to the deaths of two members of the Iranian militia, as well as wounding four Russian soldiers.

The two sides exchanged fire a few days ago in the neighborhood of "Khalidiya" in Aleppo, within the framework of the Iranian-Russian influence on the Syrian territory, causing the death of many elements on both sides, as well as civilian casualties, as the result of the use of heavy weapons.