Montag, 27.05.2019 / 15:06 Uhr

Etappensieg von LGBT-Organisation in Tunesien

Ein Gerichtsurteil, das unbedingt unter die Rubrik "Good News" eingestellt werden sollte:

After winning a four-year battle against government efforts to shut it down, Tunisia’s leading LGBT+ rights group said it will push for gay sex to be decriminalized amid rising convictions for same-sex relations.

The government went to court to block Shams when the advocacy group registered in 2015, saying that the correct process had not been followed. A 2016 ruling in Shams’ favor was upheld by the Court of Appeal on Monday.

Shams’ director Mounir Baatour said the court victory would help its campaign to legalize same-sex relations, which are punishable with three years imprisonment under Article 230 of the North African country’s penal code.

“It validates the legal right of Shams to fight against Article 230 and confirms the right for Shams to fight for the rights of LGBTQI+ people in Tunisia,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Same-sex activity is illegal in most of the Middle East, save for Israel, Jordan and Bahrain, according to the ILGA, an LGBT+ rights group.

Convictions for same-sex relations rose by 60% last year to 127 from 79 in 2017, according to Shams, which documents arrests and cases. It recorded more than 25 convictions in the first quarter of 2019.