Freitag, 13.12.2019 / 16:54 Uhr

Nach kontroverser Wahl Massenproteste in Algerien erwartet

Nach der kontroversen Wahl, die von der Opposition boykottiert wurde, werden in Algerien neue Massenproteste erwartet:

Huge crowds have massed in Algeria’s capital to protest against the election of a former loyalist of the deposed leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika as president in a widely boycotted poll.

Demonstrators who flooded central Algiers on Friday vowed to keep up their campaign for the total dismantling of the political establishment following Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s victory in Thursday’s election.

“Tebboune is worse than Bouteflika. He’s known for being one of the thieves,” said Meriem, a 31-year-old civil servant. “We did not vote and we will not back down.”

Mohammed Charfi, head of Algeria’s electoral commission, said Tebboune, a 74-year-old former prime minister, had won 58% of the vote, according to preliminary results. of voters took part in the election, which state media cast as a high enough turnout to vindicate the decision to hold the poll in spite of a boycott.