Sonntag, 28.01.2024 / 17:09 Uhr

US-Soldaten werden bei Drohnenangriff in Jordanien getötet

Der Iran und mit ihm verbündete Milizen dehnen ihre Angriffe auf ein weiteres Land im Nahen Osten aus. Nach dem Irak, Syrien und dem Jemen soll nun offenbar auch Jordanien in den Konflikt verwickelt werden:

Three US soldiers were killed and 25 were injured in a drone strike on a US military base in northeast Jordan, close to the Syrian border overnight.

US President Joe Biden says that the attack was carried out by “radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq,” the Reuters news agency reports.

The incident marks the first time that US troops have been killed in the Middle East since the start of Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.

In den letzten Tagen und Wochen nahmen auch Angriffe auf US-Einrichtungen in Syrien und dem Irak zu:

Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7, Iranian-backed militias in Iraq have launched near-daily drone attacks on bases housing U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria, which the groups have said was in retaliation for Washington’s support of Israel, and in an attempt to force U.S. troops to leave the region.

The United States strongly condemns “Iran’s reckless missile strikes” in Irbil, said State Department spokesman Matthew Miller. He said the attacks “undermine Iraq’s stability.”

A U.S. defense official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details that had not been made public said the U.S. tracked the missiles, which hit in northern Iraq and northern Syria, and no U.S. facilities were struck or damaged in the attacks. The official said initial indications were that the strikes were “reckless and imprecise.”

However, the full extent of the damage from the strikes could not be independently assessed.