Freitag, 28.08.2020 / 11:01 Uhr

Libyen: Ausgangssperre gegen Proteste

Proteste in Tripoli, Bildquelle: Youtube


Zwar sind die Regierungen in der Region kaum in der Lage, irgendwelche halbwegs effizienten Maßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von Corvid-19 zu treffen, um so lieber aber nutzen sie das Virus, um unliebsame Stimmen zum Schweigen zu bringen:

Libya’s internationally recognized government has imposed a round-the-clock curfew to slow the spread of COVID-19 after ongoing anti-government protests turned violent over the weekend.

Protesters on Sunday took to the streets of Misrata, al-Zawiya and the capital, Tripoli, to denounce government corruption, shortages of water and electricity and deteriorating living conditions. The curfew in Tripoli and its suburbs, which took effect Wednesday night, was announced by the UN-backed Government of National Accord and is set to continue until Monday morning. 

In addition to the temporary lockdown, the Government of National Accord also announced it is prepared to use force against the “mobs” who have fired into crowds of protesters. Amnesty International said at least six protesters were abducted and several others injured after armed men wearing military-style camouflage, some with heavy machine guns, fired into the crowds during a demonstration in the capital Sunday evening

Zuvor schon gingen Sicherheitskräfte brutal gegen die Demonstranten vor:

At least six peaceful protesters were abducted and several others were wounded after armed men fired live ammunition including from heavy machine-guns to disperse a demonstration in Tripoli on 23 August, according to eyewitness testimony and video evidence examined by Amnesty International. The organization is calling for the immediate release of all those abducted, for a prompt, thorough and independent investigation into the use of force and for those responsible to be held accountable.

On Sunday protesters took to the streets in several cities in the west of Libya, including Tripoli, Misrata and al-Zawyia, to protest against deteriorating economic conditions and corruption. In Tripoli, at around 7.30pm, unidentified men in military camouflage clothing opened fire on the crowd without warning, using AK-style rifles and truck-mounted guns.