Sonntag, 26.08.2018 / 17:46 Uhr

Giftgas mit Ankündigung

Es gibt eine Erfahrung aus Syrien: Immer wenn russische Medien enthüllen, die Opposition plane einen Gitgaseinsatz,setzte das Assad-Regime kurze Zeit später Giftgas ein. Nun also scheint es wieder einmal so weit zu sein:

Russia has launched another coordinated wave of disinformation to cover a pro-Assad offensive and possible chemical attacks on northwest Syria.

Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov asserted without evidence:

"According to the information that the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria received today from the residents of the Idlib, foreign English-speaking experts arrived in the Hbit settlement, located in the south of the Idlib zone of de-escalation, for staging a chemical attack using chlorine-loaded missiles.

Thus, the interested extra-regional forces are once again preparing major provocations in Syria using poisonous substances to severely destabilize the situation and disrupt the steady dynamics of the ongoing peace process."

Konashenkov said of the supposed “provocation” with toxic substances, “The strike on the settlement of Kafrzita from rocket launchers using poisonous substances is planned in the next two days.”

He claimed civilians from elsewhere in northern Syria are being moved into Kafrzita “to take part in the staging of the attack”, assisting “fake rescuers from the White Helmets [by] filming reports which will later be disseminated among the Middle Eastern and English-language media”.