Sonntag, 16.09.2018 / 13:28 Uhr

Islamische Welt schweigt über Unterdrückung chinesischer Muslime

Das Schicksal der Uiguren in China trifft in der sog. islamischen Welt auf wenig Interesse, auch wenn die Volksrepublik Hunderttausende in Umerziehungslagern interniert.

Wie kommt's? Doch nicht etwa weil weder die USA noch Israel involviert sind oder man irgendwelchen Europäern Islamophobie vorwerfen könnte?

Auch aus der offiziellen Türkei hört man so garnichts, dabei geriert der neue Sultan sonst sich doch so als Schutzherr aller unterdrückten Muslime.

"Over the past few weeks there have been widespread reports of systemic Chinese oppression of as many as 1 million Uighur Turks living in China’s Xinjiang region, and allegations that members of this mostly Muslim ethnic minority are forcefully confined to concentration camps for “re-education and de-radicalization.”

Academics, journalists and opinion-makers in many countries frequently bring up the issue on social media, but strangely, the Turkish government, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its ultranationalist ally the Nationalist Action Party (MHP) appear to be ignoring the problem. The Turkish media also appear deaf and mute.(...)

Turkey had always been sensitive to oppressive policies against some 22 million Uighur Turks living in China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, also known as East Turkestan. In the past, harsh Chinese policies used to spark protests on Turkey's streets, and black flowers were delivered to Chinese diplomatic missions in Turkey. However, nothing of this nature happens nowadays. There are no protests.

One wonders the reason for the silence at a time when nationalist sentiments in Turkey are gaining momentum.

There are three possible explanations for the lack of reaction from Ankara. First, there are political matters. Ankara, which is experiencing serious economic problems, is trying to diversify its holdings of US dollars and eurobonds. China offers an opportunity for Turkey to diversify its resources.