Dienstag, 11.09.2018 / 17:24 Uhr

Syrisches Regime droht Kurden und Amerikanern

A top Syrian regime official on Sunday said military action would soon be launched against Kurdish forces and their US supporters in the country’s northeast.

“Our response will be a military operation against those criminals and traitors who are supported by the US,” Major General Jaiz Al-Musa, Governor of Hassakeh, said in an interview with Damascus-based pro-regime, Sham FM Radio. Al-Musa referred to the fight which took place earlier this week between the Kurdish forces and regime fighters in the divided northeastern city of Qamishlo.  

“We will kill all those villains and their US supporters,” he said referring to the Kurdish-led internal security force known as the Asayish. Clashes erupted after a Syrian regime military convoy entered areas in the city that were under the control of the Kurdish internal security forces. “They entered our areas of control and arrested civilians, and members of the patrol targeted our forces,” the Asayish argued in a statement. (...)

The fighting in Qamishlo comes weeks after a delegation of the US-backed, Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) visited Damascus and held talks with the government.The SDC, which is the political umbrella of the US-backed, People’s Protection Units-led (YPG) Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), disapproved of the clashes.“Any escalation, at this time, will not serve any Syrian national party that believes in dialogue to find a solution to the Syrian crisis,” the SDC said in a statement on Sunday.The SDC also called upon the concerned parties to exercise restraint and steer clear of any provocations. “We assure our Syrian people that what happened in Qamishlo was carried out by those who want to thwart our efforts,” the SDC statement read.
