Samstag, 13.10.2018 / 10:21 Uhr

50.000 Binnenvertriebene in Syrien ohne Lebensmittel

Both the Assad regime and Jordan have cut off food to more 50,000 displaced people in the Rukban camp in southeast Syria, as supplies run out.

Relief workers and refugees said on Thursday that the regime is blocking routes to the camp, near the Syrian-Jordanian border, while Amman is stopping aid deliveries.

“More than a week ago the Syrian regime cut all the routes of supplies towards the camp. There are now only very small amounts of food that smugglers bring,” said Abu Abdullah, the head of the civil affairs council that runs the camp:

The camp is a balloon that could explode at any moment because of hunger, sickness and lack of aid….If the situation continues like this there will be real starvation.

Activist Imad Ghali added, “The factions in the region can not do anything….The prices of food increased up to 200%, and the medical situation has become very bad, with neither doctors nor medicine.”

The Civil Administration in the camp issued a distress call on Monday to Jordan.

But Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi has said that Amman is in talks with Russia to dismantle the camp and “encourage voluntary return and create encouraging conditions” to “return its residents to their homes”.
