Dienstag, 04.06.2019 / 09:57 Uhr

Netanjahu stimmte Geschlechtertrennung zu

Wie die Times of Israel erfahren hat, soll Benjamin Netanjahu in seinem verzweifelten Versuch, irgendwie eine Koalition zusammen zu bekommen, sogar den ultraorthodoxen Parteien zugesichert haben, der von ihnen seit Jahren geforderte Geschlechtertrennung im öffentlichen Raum zuzustimmen:

During the failed coalition talks last month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to an ultra-Orthodox demand to allow for gender segregation in public spaces, the Kan public broadcaster reported on Monday.

A leaked draft of the Likud’s agreement with the Haredi United Torah Judaism party stated that “within 90 days the government will amend the law in such a way that it will be permissible to provide public services, public study sessions and public events in which men and women are separated. This separation will not constitute discrimination according to the law.”

The draft agreement also barred individuals from filing a civil suit against municipal organizers of such events on the grounds of gender discrimination. (...)

The Yisrael Beytenu party, which refused to join Netanyahu’s coalition by last week’s deadline, initiating snap elections scheduled for September, said that the Kan report provided further proof that the Likud leader “yielded to all the Haredi demands in the coalition negotiations.”

“The cancellation of the prohibition on gender segregation is another step in transforming the State of Israel into a halacha (religious law) state,” Avigdor Liberman’s party added.