Dienstag, 18.06.2019 / 12:50 Uhr

Sexueller Missbrauch von Flüchtlingen im Libanon

Aus einem Bericht von Al Jazeera:

More than half of the girls living as refugees in Beirut have reported that they face sexual violence and sexual harassment with alarming regularity, new research by Plan International, a development and humanitarian organisation, has revealed.

Based on surveys of 400 girls aged between 10 and 19, the study on Tuesday described the multiple threats of abuse girls faced growing up in Lebanon's capital city.

Close to 70 percent of those surveyed reported feeling unsafe if they travelled around the city alone during the day, while nearly 90 percent said they feared for their safety at night.

Girls spoke of being harassed or chased by men and boys, while others expressed concern about being kidnapped or raped.

"We're too afraid [to go out alone]. There are always drunk men who harass us and even the ones who aren't drunk harass us," an 18-year-old Syrian girl from Burj al-Barajneh, in the Beirut suburbs, told the researchers.

Ten percent of girls surveyed reported being married or engaged - a practice becoming increasingly common, according to Plan International.