Freitag, 14.06.2019 / 23:27 Uhr

Syrien: Im Vorfeld die Gräber anlegen

Es gibt kleine Meldungen, die besser als lange Analysen den Zustand in Syrien beschreiben. Etwa diese: In Idlib legen sie jetzt im Vorfeld schon mal die Gräber für jene an, die später in Luftangriffen der russischen und syrischen Luftwaffe umkommen werden. Dass Menschen sterben werden und die Bombardements kommen, ist jedem klar:

To keep up, civil defence workers known as the White Helmets are digging graves in advance, to ensure funerals are swift and the few who attend are not killed at the cemetery.

"We're digging graves, preparing them, we don't even know for who," said the gravedigger in the town of Maaret al-Noman, which has been repeatedly hit by bombardment in recent weeks.

"We could be digging one for me, my brother, my father, my friend -- God only knows," said the 25-year-old father of five.

Using a bulldozer allows him to finish a grave in less than ten minutes, he explained, instead of toiling away for up to three hours at risk from jets in the sky.

"We get them ready so when there are war planes all over, we can bury people as fast as possible, because often cemeteries are targeted," Rihani said.