Dienstag, 29.10.2019 / 00:38 Uhr

Tausende protestieren in Bagdad trotz Ausgangssperre

Es geht weiter, nicht nur im Libanon sondern auch dem Irak, wo die Zahl der bei den jüngsten Protesten zu Tode gekommenen inziwschen offiziell auf 75 gestiegen ist.

Thousands of people have continued to pour into the streets of central Baghdad, defying an army-imposed curfew meant to stem anti-government protests in the Iraqi capital.

As the curfew came into effect at midnight local time (2100 GMT) on Tuesday, people streamed into Tahrir Square on cars and on foot, AFP reported.



(Video: Bagdad vergangenen Freitag)


Drivers honked their horns as traffic accumulated in surrounding neighbourhoods, the news agency also said.

"No, we will stay. They have now declared a curfew and severe punishments for anyone not going to work, this is how they fight us. We will stay here until the last day, even if there are a thousand martyrs," one unnamed Iraqi protester told Reuters news agency.

The show of defiance came after Baghdad's top military commander said a curfew would be imposed from midnight (21.00 GMT) until 6am local time (03.00 GMT) effective "until further notice", Reuters reported, citing Iraqi state television.