Sonntag, 24.11.2019 / 14:57 Uhr

Iran: Erzwungene Geständnisse und Massenverhaftungen

Gnadenlos geht das iranische Regime gegen jene vor, die es in den letzten Tagen wagten gegen es zu protestieren. Neben den Provinzen Kurdistan und Khuzestan richtet sich die Repression auch gegen die Stadt Shiraz, die kurzfristig der Kontrolle der Sicherheitskräfte entglitt.



(Evin Gefängnis im Iran; Quelle: NCR-I)


Der oberste Revolutionsführer hat die Linie vorgegeben: Hinter den Protesten stecken ausländische Agenten und Unruhestifter gegen die mit aller Härte vorzugehen sei. Zeitungen fordern schon die Todesstrafe und wie üblich wird in den Gefängnissen gefoltert und misshandelt.

Zugleich greift man zu dem in all diesen Staaten so beliebten Mittel des erzwungenrn öffentlichen Geständnisses:

Detained protesters in the southwestern Iranian city of Shiraz are under torture to “confess” to having contact with sources outside of Iran, a human rights website said today.

According to the report, a large number of protesters arrested in Shiraz have been temporarily transferred to Adel Abad Prison. The prison has reached its full capacity.

The exact number of detained protesters in Shiraz and their condition is not known.

Some detainees were also taken to the Ministry of Intelligence detention center and a detention center in Shiraz’s Khayam Street.

Intelligence agents are torturing protesters, the report said. The families of the jailed protesters have not been given answers as to the condition of their loved ones.

Security forces have also transferred injured protesters from the hospital to prison and are investigating to find out the identities of protesters who were treated in the Namazi and Faqihi hospitals for future arrests.

Hundreds of protesters were arrested in Shiraz especially after November 19. The city was the scene of intense clashes and protests during the past few days.

Reports indicate that a large number of security forces are still stationed in some areas of the city.

The bodies of slain protesters who were shot and killed by security forces in Mollah Sadra Street, have yet to be given to their families. Families have been threatened and told that they were not allowed to talk to the media. They have also been told to pay for damages made to government buildings.   (...)

Reports indicate that at least 7,000 protesters have been detained all over Iran.