Montag, 18.04.2022 / 19:41 Uhr

Syrische Weißhelme drehen Video für Ukraine

Screenshot aus dem Video der White Helmets

Eine Hilfe der besonderen Art:

 In a bombed-out building in northwest Syria, rescue workers who for years have braved Russia's war strategies film a tutorial video for Ukrainian volunteers crammed with tips gained from first-hand experience of treating casualties.

Using a dummy, members of Syria's "White Helmets" civil defence force demonstrate how to apply bandages and tourniquets in a clip shot in the rebel-held town of Ariha in Idlib province where Russian airstrikes are relatively routine.

The video which offers a range of other rescue initiatives is the latest example of how Syrians are mobilising to share with Ukrainians bitter knowledge gleaned from more than a decade of war involving Russian forces.

"As first responders, we believe that we can share our experiences in Syria with humanitarian aid workers in Ukraine," volunteer rescuer Ismail al-Abdullah tells the camera in English, battered buildings dotting the street behind him.

Abdullah said that the alleged targeting of schools, hospitals and humanitarian workers by Russia in Ukraine is "sadly too familiar to us", after years of similar horrors.