Dienstag, 24.10.2023 / 22:26 Uhr

Hälfte aller US-Amerikaner unter 35 befürworten Gewalt gegen israelische Zivilisten

Erschreckende Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Umfrage:

Half of American people under 35 think that the massacre of Israelis by Hamas can be justified by Palestinian "grievances." 

In the latest Harris/Harvard poll, 76% of American voters say that "the Hamas killing of 1200 Israeli civilians on Israel cannot be justified by the grievances of Palestinians" and fully 24% say it can.

A majority of respondents, between the ages of 18-24, 51%, feel that the mass murder of Israeli Jews is justified. And 48% of those between 25-34 agree the slaughter was justified.(...)

Half of young Americans think that killing Jewish civilians is perfectly OK - as long as, you know, they deserve it. And, yes, they know this is about Jews. Because the very next question asked if those same Hamas attacks on Jews "genocidal." And in this case, over 2/3 of those 18-34 agreed that, yes, these attacks were genocidal against Jews.


Meaning that a significant number of people under 34 think that genocide is OK against Jewish civilians as long as there is a strong enough "grievance."

The language of "grievance" indicates that the people who hold immoral, antisemitic opinions are overwhelmingly on the political Left. And the crosstabs of the poll give hints that this is indeed the case: 36% of self-defined "liberals" of all ages agreed that the attack was justified, compared with 16% of "conservatives."

Perhaps more concerning is that the people with the highest levels of education are most likely to agree, with 29% of college grads justifying Hamas murder vs. 21% of those who didn't graduate. The young people who are best educated are the most likely to be antisemites. Not just antisemites - they justify the most extreme kinds of violence against Jews.