Mittwoch, 12.09.2018 / 13:02 Uhr

Ein Ende der palästinensischen Flüchtlinge?

Die Trump-Administration scheint einem Bericht, der der Jerusalem Post vorliegt, erste Erfolge in ihrem gegen die UNRWA gerichteten Programm zu erzielen. Angeblich haben verschiedene arabische Staaten sich endlich bereit erklärt, Palästinenser, die laut UNRWA als Flüchtlinge gelten, auch wenn sie längst in zweiter oder dritter Generation in den jeweiligen Gastländern leben, zu naturalisieren. Das wäre ein enormer Durchbruch, gilt doch die so genannte Flüchtlingsfrage als eines der größten Hinderniss für jeden Nahostfrieden.

US President Donald Trump announced to several Arab countries that at the beginning of 2019 he will disclose a citizenship plan for Palestinian refugees living in those countries, the London-based website Al-Khaled reported on Tuesday.

Fatah sources told the newspaper that “Trump informed several Arab countries that the plan will include Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.” The source said that “the big surprise will be that these countries have already agreed to naturalize Palestinian refugees.”

According to the report, Arab countries have already updated Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on the program hours after the cessation of UNRWA’s founding, on August 31. “This is the third step in Trump’s deal of the century, following the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem and the cuts in UNRWA’s funds,” Arab officials said.

The sources said that Trump will use significant and tempting economical assistance in order to obtain the consent of host countries, which in Israel it was already welcomed and sponsored, the website reported.

The sources also added that “Jordan is currently the only one out of the three countries that will oppose the initiative due to its steadfastness in recent years on the return of Palestinian refugees to the lands from which they were expelled 70 years ago, and its refusal to enable their settlement on Jordanian land.”

Ob es allerdings ein großer Fortschritt sein wird, in einem Syrien, in dem weiter Bashar al Assads Diktatur regiert, eingebürgert zu werden, wäre dann eine ganz andere Frage.