Sonntag, 03.11.2019 / 11:23 Uhr

Runter mit Khomeini

Im Irak geht es weiter:

Protesters in Iraq's capital and its south shut down streets, schools and government offices Sunday, AFP's correspondents said, escalating the month-long movement demanding change to the country's political system.

In Baghdad, university-age demonstrators parked cars in the middle of main thoroughfares, blocking traffic on the first day of the work week in the Muslim-majority country.

Police officers manning nearby checkpoints looked on but did not intervene.

Other students took part in sit-ins at their schools, and the country's national teachers union extended the strike they began last week.

The engineering, doctors and lawyers syndicates have all backed the protests. In Kut to the east, protesters sealed off main roads and bridges and most schools and government agencies were shut.

Und es geht keineswegs nur gegen die eigene Regierung, sondern zunehmend radikaler gegen den Iran. In der heiligen Stadt Najaf haben sie so deutlich gemacht, dass es deutlicher kaum geht:

Iraqi protesters have removed the name of Ruhollah Khomeini, the former Supreme Leader of Iran, from the street of Najaf airport, replacing it with another name.

(Bildquelle: Basnews)

The demonstrators were seemed to have chosen a different way of expressing their refusal to Iran's alleged intervention in the Iraqi political affairs.

They removed a poster from a street leading to Najaf Airport, hanging a banner, on which, it reads "under the command of people, the street of martyrs of October revolution."

Activists in Najaf have previously taken similar steps against Iran's intervention in Iraqi political process.