Mittwoch, 25.11.2020 / 21:53 Uhr

Gewalt gegen Frauen: Der Iran ist anders

Quelle: Women's Alliance of Iran


Heute, am 25. 11, findet weltweit Aktionen gegen jede Form häuslicher Gewalt statt. Der Iran Human Right Monitor erinnert deshalb daran, dass im Iran Gewalt gegen Frauen rechtlich verankert ist:

Women in Iran are exposed to the worst forms of physical and psychological violence, and reports of violence against women, according to the regime officials, have increased by 20 to 22 percent compared to previous years.

Violence against women in Iran is different from other countries. In many cases, it is legalized and promoted.

In fact, the clerical regime itself systematically perpetrates and facilitates violence against women in Iran.

Compulsory Hijab

The enforcement of the compulsory hijab by more than 27 institutions in charge of the so-called “Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil” on Iran’s streets is one of the aspects of violence against women in Iran.

Regarding the enforcement of compulsory hijab on Iranian women, Deputy Commander of the State Security Force recently announced the planning and implementation of 4 repressive plans and said: “The State Security Force has planned and executed four Hijab and Chastity plans. In Nazer 1 Plan, the SSF deals with individuals who violate the veiling code in their cars. The Nazer 2 Plan deals with women who remove their veil or do not properly observe it in shopping malls and major stores. Nazer 3 and 4 Plans focus on women who do not observe the veil in recreation areas, walks and also in the cyber space. (The state-run Fars News Agency, September 20, 2020)” (...)

Forced Early Marriages

Girls in Iran may be married at the age of 13; fathers are permitted to marry off their daughters at the age of 9 with a judge’s approval. In 2018, the Majlis rejected a proposed bill to increase the age of marriage for girls to 16, under the pretext that it contained “religious and social deficiencies” and for contradicting “the teachings of Islam.” This form of violence against women in Iran capitalizes on children’s vulnerability and reinforces the fact that, under the misogynistic mullahs’ rule, even female children lack adequate protection.

600,000 and counting. That’s the number of underage girls who enter into marriage every year in Iran. In 2017 alone, there were 234,000 registered marriages of girls under the age of 15. Meanwhile, the Iranian Constitution and laws stipulates that girls as young as 6 years old must cover their hair, and that they are criminally accountable as early as 9 years of age.

Honor killings

Hundreds of Iranian women get killed in so-called honor killings each year, according to official reports.

The exact number of murders known as “honor killings” in Iran is not disclosed by officials, but in December 2019, the state-run ISNA news agency reported that “between 375 and 450 honor killings” occur annually in Iran.