Freitag, 17.09.2021 / 11:47 Uhr

Emirate und Israelis kooperieren bei Evakuierung afghanischer Frauen

Bildquelle: Twitter


Auch in so trüben Zeiten gibt es manchmal positive Meldungen, eine davon ist ganz sicher diese:

Israeli aid workers and the United Arab Emirates have completed a daring rescue mission that saw dozens of sportswomen, female rights activists and a singer at risk of Taliban reprisals spirited to safety in Abu Dhabi.

The nail-biting evacuation used local contacts to gather 41 Afghans from various locations in Kabul and then bus them through Taliban checkpoints and over the northern border into Tajikistan before flying them to the UAE.

The Israeli-Emirati mission, which happened earlier this month, is the first joint humanitarian project between the two Middle East countries and is part of growing cooperation following the signing of the Abraham Accords last year, which normalised relations.

Speaking to the Telegraph, Yotam Polizer, the CEO of IsraAID, said the team behind the secretive evacuation had to be extremely careful while collecting the young women from across Kabul without alerting the Taliban.

"The issue was they had to collect them from hiding," Mr Polizer said. "They [the rescuers] had to do rounds around the city in alleys to pick up these people and try not to create any suspicious movement."