Samstag, 10.11.2018 / 11:53 Uhr

Houthis horten Weizen

Nein, es ist keineswegs nur Saudi Arabien, das die Verantwortung für die drohende furchtbare Hungersnot im Jemen alleine trägt. Auch die Houthis und der sie unterstützendende Iran setzen Hunger als Waffe ein:

Yemen’s military under Saudi leadership recovered 51,000 tons of grains on Monday which was illegally occupied by the Iran-backed Houthi militias to cause famine in Yemen on a mass scale and use it as a tool of propaganda warfare against the coalition forces.

The military has freed the famous Red Sea Flour Mills Cooperation limited, which has had heavy deposits of wheat, grains, and pulses.

The occupied food could be enough to feed approximately 3.7 million starving Yemenis.

Adel Moukarshab, Yemen’s relief affairs coordinator said, “the Houthis were trying to create a food crisis in the city of 600,000 people to use as propaganda against the government offensive.”

Yemen’s Deputy Minister of youth and sport tweeted, “tons of wheat was under the control of Houthis. Houthis are the cause of death, killing, hunger and disease everywhere.”

A resident of Hodeidah, Abdulwahab Shoubail told UAE-based The National, “They looted many food stores of UN organizations and occupied warehouses of the World Food Programme and used them as hideouts for their soldiers and their military vehicles.”