Freitag, 16.11.2018 / 17:13 Uhr

'Netanjahu hat die Hamas siegen lassen'

Den jüngsten Waffenstillstand zwischen Israel und der Hamas, nachdem über 400 Raketen aus dem Gazastreifen auf Israel abgefeuert wurden kommentiert für Ynet Nahum Barnea:

The time has come for us to understand what every child in Gaza already knows: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants Hamas to stay in power. Because the alternatives to Hamas do not suit him, he prefers Hamas to stay in charge.  (...)

The problem did not arise from this week's 48 hours of fire. The prime minister—who during the 51 days of Operation Protective Edge learned that bombings can't bring down Gaza—came to the right conclusion: It's better to reach a ceasefire as soon as possible, with minimal casualties, and minimal damage. 

Netanyahu is responsible for the failure of Israel's policy in Gaza. Not just this week, but in his nine years as prime minister. It's not true that Netanyahu has no policy, he does have one: he is a devout believer in perpetuating the present situation—saying yes to Hamas, and no to rehabilitating Gaza. Unfortunately, the recurring fighting rounds are part of the existing situation.

As in every round, the IDF is flaunting the damage it caused in Gaza—so many headquarters and houses have been destroyed. This is an empty claim, since no one in Israel—even at the far right—is admiring the houses bombed in Gaza. Hamas itself is not afraid of the sight of bombed buildings. Nevertheless, in every single round, the IDF claims it dealt a fatal blow to Hamas. A few months pass, and the phoenix rises again.  

The premier built his election campaign on his own personal success. World leaders admire him; the Iranians are afraid of him; Hamas is deterred; Abbas is humiliated; and the country is safe—only he can do this.

In recent weeks, cracks have begun to show, and even Netanyahu's "base," including those who demonstrated in Sderot against the government policy in Gaza, understands this.