Dienstag, 25.12.2018 / 23:36 Uhr

Das Leben von 50.000 syrischen Flüchtlingen bedroht

Die Ankündigung des US-Präsidenten alle Truppen aus Syrien abziehen zu wollen betrifft nicht nur den Nordosten, sondern auf das Gebiet um al-Tanf im Süden, wo unter anderem ein großes Lager von US-Truppen geschützt wird. Da haben wohl mal wieder ein paar zehntausend Syrer, die eh niemand haben will, weder Assad, noch die Nachbarländer, von Europa ganz zu schweigen, Pech gehabt. Wie so oft in den letzten acht Jahren:

President Trump’s surprise decision to rapidly withdraw all U.S. troops from Syria is meeting with intense criticism by foreign policy experts, who denounce it as strategically stupid, reckless for national security and a blow to America’s global credibility. But inside Syria, the consequences are even more serious. For one example, 50,000 Syrian civilian refugees living under the direct protection of the U.S. military are suddenly fearing for their lives.

For three years, civilians living in the Rukban refugee camp in the southeastern Syrian desert have survived because of the protection of U.S. forces encamped 10 miles away on a base called Tanf. The refugee camp falls within Tanf’s 55-kilometer-radius security zone. The residents rely on the United States to protect them from the Syrian regime and Iranian forces and to ensure vital flows of humanitarian aid.

They are near starvation, effectively under siege and living in squalor. But despite their situation, they will tell anyone who will listen that they are grateful to be free from the grasp of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and that they are depending on the United States to keep them safe and alive.