Samstag, 08.12.2018 / 19:49 Uhr

Folter im Jemen

Im Jemen wird nicht nur gehungert und an Cholera und anderen Krankheiten gestorben, die Kriegsparteien, und zwar alle, missachten systematisch das Kriegsrecht und foltern. Erst kürzlich veröffentlichte  Human Right Watch einen Bericht, wie es in den Gefängnissen der von Saudi Arabien und den Emiraten unterstützten Regierung zugeht.

Unter anderem wirdt die Menschenrechtsorganisation der Regierung vor afrikanische Flüchtlinge systematisch zu misshandeln:

Yemeni government officials have tortured, raped, and executed migrants and asylum seekers from the Horn of Africa in a detention center in the southern port city of Aden, Human Rights Watch said.

Nun wird langsam bekannt, wie es auf der Gegenseite aussieht. Denn auch die vom Iran unterstützten Hothis wenden, so ein Bericht des Independent, regulär übelste Foltermethoden an:

Civilians in Yemen have described torture at the hands of the Houthi rebels including being strung up by their genitals and doused in acid.

Their horrific testimonies emerged as tense peace talks in Sweden between the country’s warring factions entered a second day. (...)

One man said he had been hung by his penis and testes and was unable to urinate. Another’s buttocks had been sealed after the Houthi guards doused his back with acid, melting his skin. Mr Baakar described using wire to help him make an opening and remove excrement.

“When I asked Houthi guards for help, saying the man is dying, their only answer was: ‘Let him die’,” Mr Baakar added. (...)

The Abductees’ Mothers Union, an association of female relatives of detainees jailed by the Houthis, said that of the 18,000 prisoners they have documented, at least 1,000 were tortured in a network of secret prisons.

Sabah Mohammed, a representative of the group in the city of Marib which is now under government control, said at least 126 prisoners have died from torture since the Houthis took over Sanaa in late 2014.