Dienstag, 15.01.2019 / 17:50 Uhr

Irakischer Politiker fordert Friedensschluss im Israel

Leader of the Iraqi Ummah (Nation) Party, Mithal al-Alusi, has called on his country’s president to make an initiative for a peace agreement with Israel.

“For the people and state of Iraq, I call on Barham Salih to shoulder his responsibility and end the state of enmity between Iraq and Israel,” Alusi told BasNews.

The Sunni leader who previously served as a member of parliament, argued that a peace agreement between Iraq and Israel would protect the country against the consequences of Iran’s proxy war against Israel.

“Otherwise, Iraq would be doomed to an uncertain future that could threaten the security of not only Iraq, but also the entire region.”

The remarks were made only days after media reports claimed a visit by three Iraqi delegations, including lawmakers, to Israel, where they reportedly met with Israeli officials and academicians.
