Samstag, 20.06.2020 / 14:04 Uhr

#BlackLivesmatter in Tunesien


(Demonstration am 6. Juni in Tunis, Bildquelle: TN)


Hanen Jebli schreibt über die Auswirkungen der weltweiten Black Lives Matter Bewegung in Tunesien:

Speaking on racist practices in Tunisia, Yamina Thabet, president of the nongovernmental organization Tunisian Association for the Support of Minorities, told Al-Monitor that African and dark-skinned Tunisian students suffer racism every day through words or other painful behavior. She said one of the most important problems is that people face racism with silence or denial, making it even more difficult to eliminate.

Thabet said African students have difficulties renting houses and in many other aspects of their daily lives, and she called for better, long-term education to eliminate racist tendencies.

Tunisia is only the second African country, after South Africa, to issue a law criminalizing racial discrimination; it was ratified by the Cabinet on Oct. 9, 2018, and includes 11 chapters.

According to Chapter 8 of this law, the perpetrator of the violation or crime is subject to imprisonment for a period ranging from one month to three years, and the fine ranges from 500 dinars ($185) to 3,000 dinars ($1,110). Also, institutions and associations that commit these crimes can be subject to a fine ranging from 5,000 dinars ($1,190) to 15,000 dinars ($3,350).

For his part, Masoud al-Ramadani, former head of the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, an independent nongovernmental organization that aims to defend economic and social rights at the national and international levels, told Al-Monitor that many still use abusive words against black people in Tunisia such as "kahlouch" (blackie), noting that some cab drivers refuse to pick up dark-skinned passengers and some stores will not serve dark-skinned people. Some Tunisian families still reject mixed-race relations.

Ziad Rouen, the general coordinator of Mnemty, an association active in the fight against racism, told Al-Monitor that racism is still rooted in the daily practices of some Tunisians. Rouen said the state has not addressed cultural and social problems, as people of color seem absent from the cultural scene and are completely absent from the societal and general fabric of the country and from decision-making centers.