Mittwoch, 01.01.2020 / 17:31 Uhr

Eine separate Einigung zwischen Israel und der Hamas?

Einiges deutet darauf hin, dass die amtierende israelische Regierung eine Art Separatabkommen mit der Hamas für den Gazastreifen anstrebt. Das jedenfalls vermutet Avi Issacharoff in der Times of Israel und kritisiert diesen Plan mit scharfen Worten:

Quietly, right under Israel’s nose, the Netanyahu-Bennett government (the fifth Netanyahu government) is taking steps toward a historic process that is meant to create a de-facto two-state reality: one de-facto state in the Gaza Strip under the control of Hamas, and the second in the sprawling territory between the river and the sea under Israeli control, including the West Bank.

But the historic agreement (even if it is only a partial one) with Hamas, which the Netanyahu government is making big strides toward — alongside economic sanctions it is imposing on the Palestinian Authority, and the absence of a diplomatic process with the PA — may together carry a heavy price, if not soon, then in years to come. (...)

In the simplest terms, Israel is punishing those who have vowed to work toward a peace agreement, and doing all it can to assist those who fire rockets, carry out terror attacks and call again and again for jihad against Israel.

Hamas is already feeling the benefits, starting with Qatari funding, and is on the way to getting more goods, even some that were forbidden from entering the Strip until a few days ago.