Freitag, 05.02.2021 / 21:25 Uhr

"...what a shitty country Israel is"

Aus seinem Herzen keine Mördergrube gemacht hat Shaun Henrik Matheson vom staatlichen norwegischen Radiosender NRK P13. In einem Land, in dem es offenbar zu guten Ton des Establishments gehört, zu jeder Gelegenheit sich "israelkritisch" zu äußern, sprach er davon was dür ein Scheissland der jüdische Staat doch sei. Anlass für den Ausfall war die erfolgreiche Impfkampagne:

So apparently, numbers from Israel show that among more than 1 million fully vaccinated persons, less than 1000 were infected. No matter how you twist and turn it, these are good news. Only I wish it was from another country, if you get what I mean. It’s almost as though I wish the vaccine didn’t work. You cannot say that. I’m sorry, I do understand that. Damn it.

Did I say apartheid? I did, didn’t I. Just to underline it: In the beginning no Palestinian got any vaccine, 14 days ago, they got 100, yesterday they got 2000. 1.1 million “proper” people got their vaccine, 2.100 of the less proper people got their vaccine.

We must just never forget just what a shitty country Israel is, it’s desperately important that we never forget. We must never forget what a shitty country Israel is!