Sonntag, 01.08.2021 / 23:00 Uhr

Palästinensische Organisationen klagen Hamas an

Eine Meldung, die es vermutlich nicht sehr weit in die europäische Palästinasolidarität bringt, weil sie sehr viel aussagt über die Zustände aber nur sehr bedingt ins entsprechende Weltbild passt:

Palestinian factions and human rights organizations have called on Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups to stop  storing weapons in residential areas following another explosion, which killed one person and injured 14 others on Thursday.

They also demanded a thorough investigation into the explosion in order to hold those responsible accountable.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip said that the explosion took place in a warehouse used by Hamas for storing weapons.

Hamas said it has launched an investigation, but has not provided any details.

Thursday’s explosion occurred shortly after 8 a.m. in a house located in the Al-Zawiya market area in the center of Gaza City. Palestinian sources said that 69-year-old Atta Ahmed Saqallah died and 14 civilians were injured, including six children.