Freitag, 08.10.2021 / 11:58 Uhr

UN: Syrien nicht sicher für Rückführungen

Syrische Flüchtlinge im Nordirak, Bild: Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken

In der Türkei sucht man gerade nach Wegen, noch mehr Syrerinnen und Syrer in ihr Land zurückzuschieben und auch in Europa wächst der Druck.

Einer, der es wissen muss, schließlich ist es sein Job, stellt klipp und klar fest, was von diesem Unterfangen zu halten ist:

Syria is still unsafe for the return of refugees a decade after its conflict began, U.N. war crimes investigators said on Tuesday, documenting worsening violence and rights violations including arbitrary detention by government forces.

The U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Syria said the overall situation was increasingly bleak, noting hostilities in several areas of the fractured country, its collapsing economy, drying riverbeds and increased attacks by Islamic State militants.

"One decade in, the parties to the conflict continue to perpetrate war crimes and crimes against humanity and infringing the basic human rights of Syrians," the Chair of the Commission, Paulo Pinheiro said, releasing its 24th report.

"The war on Syrian civilians continues, and it is difficult for them to find security or safe haven in this war-torn country."