Montag, 27.04.2020 / 21:26 Uhr

Neue Proteste im Irak


(Quelle: Basnews)


Trotz Corona Ausgangssperren sind erneut Proteste in Bagdad und dem Süden des Irak aufgeflammt:

Protesters once again took to the streets in southern provinces of Iraq on Sunday and clashed with security forces.

According to the information obtained by BasNews, at least seven protesters were injured in Rifaee district of Dhi Qar province during a confrontation with security forces.

Local sources said the protesters attempted to enter mayor’s office when they faced strong response by the security forces.

Der Irak ist von sinkenden Ölpreisen besonders betroffen und es steht zu befürchten, dass die Regierung zu drastischen Sparmßnahmen wird greifen müssen, um einem drohenden Bankrott zu entgehen:

In its draft 2020 budget, Iraq had been counting on revenues from oil prices at $56 a barrel to fund badly needed development projects and the bloated public sector, costing nearly $45 billion in compensation and pensions. Oil Minister Thamir Ghadhban said recently that revenue from crude exports has dropped by 50%.