Donnerstag, 11.06.2020 / 10:44 Uhr

Drusen demonstrieren gegen Assad

Die Lage in Syrien verschlechtert sich in rasantem Tempo, das Pfund befindet sich in freiem Fall: Fast 3000 bekam man kürzlich für einen US-Dollar, vor zwei Wochen waren es noch 2000, zu Beginn der Proteste im Jahr 2011 waren es 47.

Nun finden Demonstrationen, die den Sturz Assads fordern sogar in drusisch bewohnten Städten statt. Bislang hatten sich die Drusen mehrheitlich aus dem Konflikt herausgehalten oder das Regime unterstützt:

Hundreds of Syrians in the mainly Druze city of Sweida took to the streets for a fourth day on Wednesday, protesting worsening economic conditions and demanding the downfall of Syrian President Bashar al Assad.
Residents said demonstrators near a main square of the southwestern city called for Assad’s overthrow, echoing chants at the start of pro-democracy protests in 2011 that were violently crushed by security forces and sparked a violent, nine-year conflict. (...)
Protests since Sunday have also called for an end to rampant corruption and the pullout of Iranian militias and Russian troops, whose support has helped Assad regain most of the territory once in hands of rebels seeking to end his rule.
"Protesters called for freedom and toppling of the regime as a result of popular anger over the deteriorating economic, social, security and political situation," said Noura al Basha, a resident and activist.