Samstag, 11.12.2021 / 17:36 Uhr

Immer mehr Libanesen wandern aus

Die chronische Krise im Libanon, die seit nunmehr zwei Jahren nicht nur anhält, sondern sich weiter verschlimmert, führt dazu, dass immer mehr Libanesen ihrem Land den Rücken kehren:

Western European countries, the United States, Australia and Gulf states have been Lebanese’s top migration destinations in the past. Following the Lebanese civil war in 1975 and up until 1991, Lebanon witnessed a huge wave of emigration. Over the years, emigration would increase depending on the security, political and economic conditions in Lebanon. The destinations seem to be changing today.

In the last couple of years, Lebanese youth have started exploring new countries, such as Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, and most recently Serbia.

“Following the Oct. 17 revolution in 2019, more people started leaving Lebanon, reaching 17,720 emigrants in 2020. Over the last 10 months, we recorded an increase of about 65,000 people,” Mohammed Sham al-Din, researcher at the Beirut-based Information International, told Al-Monitor.

Based on official data, Shams al-Din expected this number to double in 2022, especially since there has been a 150% increase in passport renewal requests as the Lebanese wish to flee Lebanon before more crises hit.