Mittwoch, 30.03.2022 / 19:46 Uhr

Libyen: Regierung in Tripoli verhaftet Aktivisten wegen Atheismus

Die von der Türkei unterstützte, den Muslimbrüdern nahe stehende Regierung in Tripoli geht gegen junge Aktivisten vor, denen sie "Verbreitung von Atheismus" vorwirft:

The New Arab has learned that seven activists - aged between 19 and 29 - have been detained in Tripoli as Libyan security forces and authorities use accusations of atheism to jail journalists and muzzle civil society.

Five of the detainees have been accused by Libya's public prosecution of belonging to the Tanweer Movement, a civil society group best-known for organising book fairs and calling for liberal social reforms.

The charges against the accused of 'promoting atheism' and 'abandoning religion' have alarmed human rights groups who believe that Tripoli authorities are working with the security forces to crush dissent in Libya - Libya warlord Khalifa Haftar and the rival eastern authority have faced similar accusations.

"It is a shameful display, the public prosecution should be investigating the internal security agency for their crimes, not to mention the rampant crimes and abuses committed by militias and armed groups across Libya," Hussein Baoumi, Amnesty International's Libya researcher told The New Arab.