Donnerstag, 24.03.2022 / 00:36 Uhr

Taliban bleiben sich treu: Keine Schule für Mädchen

Selbstverwaltete Schule afghanischer Frauen in Griechenland, Bild: Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken

Überraschen dürfte die Nachricht eigentlich nicht, denn dass die Taliban sich so geändert hätten, dass sie eine der Säulen ihrer Existenz in Frage stellen würde, konnte nur glauben, wer es wirklich glauben wollte. So tun die Taliban, was sie immer getan haben und ein wenig bigott ist der ganze Aufruhr schon, denn wer hat je wirklich geglaubt, dass sie sich geändert hätten, gar moderater geworden seien?

Und so verging das inzwischen verbotene Newrozfest und auch danach durften Mädchen nicht zur Schule

The Taliban are facing international condemnation after they announced on Wednesday that girls would not be allowed to attend secondary school, despite their previous assurances. (...)

The surprise announcement came late on Tuesday night. Many teachers and pupils found out only on Wednesday morning, the first day of the school year in Afghanistan, as girls prepared to return to class after a six-month break caused by the turmoil in the country.

“Lots of excited girls were already waiting outside the school. They were here hours before their classes started. They were very happy and excited. Then we told them about the new order,” a schoolteacher in Kabul said. “Many of them started arguing. I had nothing to tell them. I left an hour ago. I cried.” By the end of the school day, the teacher said, some of the girls were still standing outside the building, unable to “to move their legs to go back home”.(...)

“The leadership hasn’t decided when or how they will allow girls to return to school,” said Waheedullah Hashmi, external relations and donor representative with the Taliban-led administration. While he accepted that urban centres are mostly supportive of girls’ education, he said much of rural Afghanistan was opposed to it, particularly tribal Pashtun regions.

“In some rural areas a brother will disown a brother in the city if he finds out that he is letting his daughters go to school,” said Hashmi, adding that the Taliban leadership was trying to decide how to open education for girls older than 11 countrywide.

The US special envoy for Afghanistan, Tom West, said in a tweet: “For the sake of the country’s future and its relations with the international community, I would urge the Taliban to live up to their commitments to their people.”